Important: Adequate staff and facilities leads to successful Clinical Trial Centre...Much appreciated for our Deans, Professor of Cardiology and also experienced in Clinical Trial for almost 11 years.The CenTRE (^__^)
ni bilik sumber ilham... |
Ruang menunggu..penting untuk pesakit supaya selesa... |
Ruang sembang untuk pesakit... |
Kerusi untuk tido |
Bilik rawatan... |
Bilik perundingan...kaunseling is a part of it |
Bilik pengambilan sampel.... |
Triage... |
Lab yang maha besar dan luas mata memandang.. |
Mana nak carik muker bahagia canni.. |
This is wat we call, investigators files...
CenTRE's Staff |
Frenz who owez encourage =) |
Bab makan2,memang slalu jer ada...
Many thanks to Faculty of Medicine Dean. |
Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v