Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adakalanya Aku Alpa

Start semalam, badan dah mula meragam.. Ingatkan selsema tu akan berkurangan bila sarapan dan bekerja... Rupanya makin teruk. Tak tahan maka aku pun amik keputusan balik rumah dan makan beberapa biji ubat (yang dipreskripsikan oleh doktor bertauliah). kemudian tidur macam kena sedatif.

Rindu pada meja kerja memberi kekuatan untuk aku bangun dan bekerja hari tu. Alhamdulillah. Kesakitan yang dialami tidaklah seteruk mana jika dibandingkan pesakit2 yang membanjiri klinik pakar kami. Kesakitan macam ni kan penghapus dosa dosa kecil...

Sebagaimana hadis Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
“Tidaklah seorang muslim tertimpa suatu penyakit dan sejenisnya melainkan Allah akan menggugurkan bersamanya dosa-dosanya seperti pohon yang menggugurkan daun-daunnya” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Maka, bersyukurlah aku diberikan sedikit daripada kesakitan ini untuk menggugurkan dosa kecil ku. Kadang2 terfikir betapa banyaknya dosa tanpa sedar dan sedar yang aku buat. Berharap sangat aku dapat menutup aurat dengan sempurna suatu hari nanti.. InsyaAllah. Kemudian menjadi isteri yang berbakti pada suaminya dan menjadi ibu kepada anak2 yang terdidik. Jauh plak aku berangan.. Tapi, itu la impian aku di masa akan datang.
Rindu plak kenangan menghadiri kelas agama setiap malam selasa masa kat Taman Gembira, Johor Bahru. Kalaulah kat sini ada teman seperjuangan macam sepupuku, mesti hati lebih kuat. Maka, Allah mengurniakan sedikit kesakitan supaya aku mengingatiNya. Mungkinkah ada saatnya aku alpa. Mungkin ada saatnya aku terleka maka rakan yang memimpin itu perlu.
Footnote: Doa ketika sakit:

عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ مَنْ اشْتَكَى مِنْكُمْ شَيْئًا أَوْ اشْتَكَاهُ أَخٌ لَهُ فَلْيَقُلْ رَبَّنَا اللَّهُ الَّذِي فِي السَّمَاءِ تَقَدَّسَ اسْمُكَ أَمْرُكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ كَمَا رَحْمَتُكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ فَاجْعَلْ رَحْمَتَكَ فِي الْأَرْضِ اغْفِرْ لَنَا حُوبَنَا وَخَطَايَانَا أَنْتَ رَبُّ الطَّيِّبِينَ أَنْزِلْ رَحْمَةً مِنْ رَحْمَتِكَ وَشِفَاءً مِنْ شِفَائِكَ عَلَى هَذَا الْوَجَعِ فَيَبْرَأَ

Dari Abu Darda' RA dia berkata : Saya mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Barangsiapa di antara kamu menderita sakit, atau saudaranya sakit, maka ucapkanlah : Tuhan Kami adalah Allah, Maha Suci NamaMu di langit dan di bumi, sebagaimana rahmatMu di langit, maka jadilah rahmatMu di bumi, maka ampunkanlah segala dosa dan kesalahan kami, turunlah rahmat dari sisiMu dan ubat dari ubatMu atas penyakit ini." Riwayat Abu Daud dari kitab Sunan Abu Daud m/s 397 jilid 10.

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cucu Pertama Mama

Ni adalah cucu pertama mama... and cucu ke enam papa.
Nothing much to say but, I do love this cute boy. Hope in future, we will reunite as a family.
Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cucur Keledek

Kali ni nak share resepi buat cucur ubi keledek.. Ni makanan bese jer. Aku suka sangat masak cucur ni sebab paling senang nak buat dan senang nak dapat bahan - bahan (yang memang bahan asas kat dapur rumah aku).

Lagipun aku dapat beli ubi ni kat NSK Selayang dengan harga yang sangat murah..

Bahan2 seperti berikut:
Ubi keledek yang telah dibersihkan
Cincang ubi sampai jadi camni ok...

Santan segera

Gandum, garam dan gula

Serbuk penaik
Gaul jer bahan2 ni dan biarkan 15 minit...
Adunan akhir 
Lepas tu goreng.. Minum ngan teh panas.. Perghh.... Teringat kenangan bersama nenek kesayangan, arwah Kalthum bin Taha (Al-Fatihah)...

Kau selalu dalam ingatan.. Terima kasih kerana ajar cucu ni memasak masakan tradisional dan mendidik sikap menanamkan kasih sayang dan cinta dalam setiap masakan.
Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Be Like The Coffee Bean

It is not an extraordinary thing to hear people praising him. My leader. He deserve that. during my intern year (working actually) with him, to work directly with him is CHALLENGING. To know him better and to fulfill his expectation is TOUGH.

I heard everything around me, talking about him, more of demotivated than good things about him. I don't want to judge a book by its cover.. no, not by cover (coz he is physically good and charming) but by rumors. Judge people on my own, working with him, talk to him and never speculate. They said: " I don't think you will last long with him.. I gave you 1 year." And they are TOTALLY WRONG!

Funny isn't it? My impression at that time, was, he is strict, too firm and you can't negotiate things with him. It takes me a year to get to know him, what his expectations and so on. Sometimes, I am that scarecrow standing behind the wall waiting for him to come down. Sometimes I am the maid, making coffee for him and his friends. but, I enjoy that. And the worse, sometimes I am that cry baby who run to her father when people abuse me. And, he is 'that' father.

I see him as a father, who listened and suggest. But not directly. I learned how to think and fulfill my own need, my own expectations. What I want in my career, what do I need to learn. I am grateful that he never shout at me, or throw the files in front of me no matter how much I've pissed him off. He convinced me that I can suggest, I can explore and learn things. Like I am a kid. The joy of working with him for years.
Source: Facebook

We moved to another building, which is HUGE! I can't imagine how he managed to get all that. How he think of it. It is amazing! And, I do watch the way he manage because on that one day, I'm sitting in front of him, he made a quick call, suggesting and decide things, precisely. Then he said: "u see.. I solve things in 5 minutes. can u do that?". And I am stumbled! Second thing I've learned, do make decision that last longer and undeniable. And then when I've done something wrong with my weary eyes and feeling guilty.. he said:"do things perfectly even for the first step, so then u didn't need to correct the mistakes. it wastes your time.."  I know it is impossible, but I keep trying to be perfectionist and it became my EXPECTATIONS every time.

Tell you what... Do you find a dean who actually dedicate his time most in the clinic, seeing patients and at the same time teaching? Have you seen a professor who sees patient without discriminate them? Never chose to see ONLY VIPs? Have you seen a consultant who listened carefully to his patient even they speak rubbish? And never complained but listened and advised. I've NEVER seen him, talk to patient and let them go without touching them. And every time he touch patient, he washes his hand. Never missed! We do learn about hygiene, but how many of us do practice it?

He loves story telling. My leg cramped standing (I don't like sitting coz it hurt my back), being a good listener together with his patient and students. I can just run away, or wandering or facebooking during the consultation but I choose to stay because I know, I'll learn something for each of the session, even with patient or student. And I love the way he try to get people understand things clearly. By joking and 'investigator-initiated idiom.'

I remember the first time I made a report (which I can describe as totally rubbish), send it to him and he accept that. And after a few months later, I get the same report from a company (which I can describe that as awesome and neat and tidy) and I realized how stupid I am and how he putting so much patience with that rubbish sent by me few months ago and yet NEVER complained!

Dear readers, I choose to stay, for the sake of excitement that I've learn for all these years. And I know I love my job so much.. The best thing, I learned how to reach my own expectations and grow and never worried to fulfill superiors expectations. Be myself and always be the coffee bean. Boil the coffee bean and see how it goes.. It never harden or softer, but it changes the water and give it a good lingering smells...The hotter the water the better.

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Gardening IS Fun

I can feel my body is weaker, get tired easily and I sleep more than 7 hours per day. The only thing that contribute to this is Lack of Exercising.

Who can I blame.. My own ignorance. I am too busy traveling and I'm picking a time for exercising (which is not really flexible for the rainy weather lately) ...

End up did not exercising for a month, maybe 2.. I don't remember. Back from spending time wisely in library for the whole day, I saw my lawn like thisss....

It is horrible! I've decided to clear it up as soon as possible. Strecthing my muscle, UL and LL.. And start gardening with full spirit and motivation.

The best thing about gardening is, the Smell of The Grass. Fresh and Calming...

After about an hour, the result is like this:

I'm proud of myself, this is a good way of exercise. I do sweat and burn some fat (if I do have excess of it)...and I think, roughly I have burn about over 200 calories for the day. Wonder how do I calculate that? Please refer: Calories Burn for Gardening

This does not include the activites of composing those leftover. I guess I'll burn some more and make my lawn as beautiful as this:
A few weeds left

Lemongrass from our lawn

At the end of the day, I'm enjoying myself cooks some 'Tom Yam' (Recipe: Tom Yam Seafood) and use some of the lemongrass. Also spend time cooks some dessert Bubur Cha Cha ... Enjoy!!!
Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Bubur 'Cha Cha' Tradisional

Rasa bosan duk rumah, dan geram tengok daun pandan yang menghijau dan wangi tu, maka aku decide untuk masak masakan kegemaran mama..

Ni arwah nenek aku slalu ajar buat, tapi modified sikit supaya jadi cantik dan menggiurkan. Kihkih...

Daun Pandan dan Sagu

Adunan merah (Gandum dan sirap)

Adunan Hijau (Gandum dan pewarna hijau)

Gula Melaka dan Santan
 Hasilnya.... Ta Da!!

Bubur kegemaranku

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Friday, March 9, 2012

Farewell Party to Sister Ervi

Selamat maju jaya buat sister Ervi yang akan menyambung khidmatnya ke Post Basic. Bak kata Dr. Ng, gembira beliau melangkahkan kaki menuju kejayaan yang lebih baik tetapi dukacita beliau terpaksa meninggalkan kami.

Perkenalan saya dengan Sister Ervi bermula sejak tahun 2009. Beliau banyak membantu dari segi klinikal. Lemah lembut orangnya. Dan juga memahami. Masa tu beliau masih lagi jururawat terlatih. 

Beliau juga adalah jururawat yang menjadi pilihan hati ini untuk suntikan vaksin H1N1 (mengimas kembali pujukan beliau). Dan jugak masa ambil darah untuk Hepatitis B. Beliau adalah pilihan pertama.

Saya berharap, di masa akan datang saya masih akan bekerjasama dengan beliau. 

Sayang Kak Ervi. Muah!

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Saturday, March 3, 2012

10 Things To Do at Cherating

Eating 'Ketupat' and 'Satar'

Enjoying morning breeze

Beautiful beach sands

Big seashells



Drinking pure 'Ayor Kelapa'


Sand castle

Enjoying really sweet pineapples 

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v

Friday, March 2, 2012

Le Tour De Langkawi 2012_ Kemaman Checkpoint

A little memories about Le Tour De Langkawi. Which actually coincidentally we stayed in a Hotel that the route for LTdL. A little bit information about LTdL:

"The Tour de Langkawi is an annual cycling race which is held in Malaysia since 1996. The name of the event comes from the starting point of the first few editions, in LangkawiKedah, although some later editions did not include Langkawi in the race at all. The race is part of theUCI Asia Tour.
Four jerseys are contested during the race, although in history the jersey colours changed all the time to suit the sponsor, they are general classificationpoints classificationKing of the Mountains and Asian riders classification. In addition, there are two team titles to honor teams classification and also Asian teams classification.
The tour is the biggest cycling event in Asia, and it is the only one in Asia to have granted two hors-category "


We have arrived but no one racer left..Not even a dust!

It is a deviation.. Right. For us, who did clinical trial. Deviation is forbidden!

Press and Media bus


Fortunately, those TV3 crew cheer us up!

Even a 1000 cups of coffee with a friend it is too little (n_n)v